Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Production Decision

During the editing process of our film it became clear that it would be necessary to include static to represent the fact that the video camera is turning on initially. We decided to do this by including a royalty free stock footage of static to place in front of the first section that is filmed off of the supposed antagonist’s video camera. It may be possible to incorporate this in other sections of the film such as having the camera stutter to give off more of an impression that the killer has taped over the original film, this both shows the antagonist as more of a villain and establishes the fact that this kill is not isolated. This reinstates what it is we would like the scrapbook to present to the audience.


We presented our focus group with two different pieces of video static and from this they decided that this static is the most effective and fits the film the best:


This static was also considered but rejected by the focus group as they felt it was less effective than the aforementioned video static.

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